UX Design | UX Research
Does the quick start guide allow users to set up a lab connectivity device and what are impressions of the asset management platform?
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TL; DR: A usability study of the setup process of a lab connectivity device and the associated asset management platform. Qualitative data was analyzed alongside some quantitative data from rating questions to create action recommendations that were implemented by the Design Team
The Problem
A lab connectivity device referred to as Connect Edge is being developed, this is in conjugation with a remote monitoring and asset management platform called InstrumentConnect.
The Connect Edge Gateways and the Connect Edge instrument adapters are the physical components that communicate information (wired or wireless) on the status of laboratory equipment. InstrumentConnect is the user interface of the remote monitoring platform, allowing users to interact with real-time data on the status and location of multiple assets.
This test was designed to evaluate the Connect Edge system, focusing on the Connect Edge Gateway setup and quick start guide as well as the user interface of the Asset Management platform, InstrumentConnect.
Pictured above are Connect Edge physical components (left), the Connect Edge quick start guide (middle), and asset tag used to locate instruments for the InstrumentConnect platform (right).
Key Learning Objectives
Overall reactions around Connect Edge and InstrumentConnect
Initial reactions, positive or negative
Evaluation of Connect Edge
Physical components
Quick start guide
Edge Gateway
Evaluation of InstrumentConnect
Asset tracking
Asset management
Final ratings
Numerical rating on overall impressions
Numerical rating of ease of use, utility, and innovation.
My role
I was the Lead Researcher, being the main point of contact between the Design Team and the Product Team. As well as this, I established the methodology, recruited the participants, and synthesized and disseminated the research findings.
Conducted 30-minute, moderated 1:1 in-person usability testing with 15 external participants with at least one year’s experience as a lab manager. pdf of the moderator guide here
Participants were asked to follow the Connect Edge quick start guide, while the Asset Management part of the session involved participants interacting with a UI mock-up of the InstrumentConnect platform (for both branding was concealed).
Connect Edge Key Findings
Unidentified object: 0/15 participants were able to correctly identify the physical components of Connect Edge, the only item constantly identified correctly was the ethernet cable. This made following the guide difficult as participants used pictures not words to identify what to connect next.
Quick start guide: Although most participants described the physical quick start guide as straightforward, observations showed participants mostly used a “click around and find out” approach to setting up. Only referring to the guide when confused.
InstrumentConnect Key Findings
Positive Reactions: Almost all 13/15 participants were impressed by the appearance of the user interface. Many felt that their facilities and maintenance team would find this tool particularly useful; however, some (6/15) would like to also see a mobile application.
Sharing floorplans: All 15/15 participants were able to complete the task to see the current status of an instrument, however, some (6/15) voiced concerns about finding an accurate floorplan for their lab and worry about sharing floorplans with an external vendor.
Locating assets made easy: The majority 12/15 were able to use the search box to find equipment, and all liked the idea that the asset tag would flash when the “seek unit” button is pressed.
Connect Edge Recommendations
Ikea style manual: Users don’t want to read pages of instructions to set up a device, so make the quick start guide quick by using numbers and images to show rather than tell users how each component fits together.
Quick start wizard: Users expect to be able to click through start-up steps when programming a device, consider creating a video of how to set up or a start-up wizard walking users through the device set-up process.
InstrumentConnect Recommendations
Mobile Application: consider creating an accompanying mobile application in addition to a desktop application, users want to truly be able to monitor their instruments on the go – not just at their desk in the lab.
Address security concerns: In the wake of several high-profile security breaches, users have security concerns. Highlighting the security aspects of the software systems would be received positively by users.
Like an Airtag: Users expect the asset tag to function similarly to an Airtag, not only should the asset tag flash when the “seek unit” button is pressed but there should be an accompanying sound.
Reseach Impact
The Design team was able to implement these recommendations to improve the user experience of the Connect Edge setup process and the InstrumentConnect Platform. The Product Team went on to create an eight-part video series to show users how to set up Connect Edge, as well as created an accompanying mobile application for InstrumentConnect.